To determine if an individual meets criteria for a having a diagnosed or diagnosable severe and persistent mental illness, the individual must be 18 years of age in addition to meeting the following criteria:
A diagnosis of a mental disorder according to DSM-5: a major affective, non-organic psychotic disorder or a disorder that may lead to a chronic disability such as a personality disorder
If the individual is diagnosed with only one of the following, they do not meet eligibility criteria for service:
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Elimination Disorders
Sleep-Wake Disorders
Sexual Dysfunctions
Paraphilic Disorders
Meets at least 3 of the 5 categories of functional disability as below:
Requires support with instrumental activities of daily living such as managing finances, managing transportation, shopping and meal preparation, house cleaning and home maintenance, managing communication and managing medications.
Is unemployed, is employed in a sheltered setting or supportive work situation, or has markedly limited skills and a poor work history
Safety concerns related to self or others, or exhibits inappropriate social behavior which results in intervention by the mental and/or judicial system
Has difficulty in establishing or maintaining a personal social support system/ limitations or moderate impairment in social functioning
Requires public financial assistance from out-of-hospital maintenance and may be unable to procure such assistance without help
Disability must be the result of mental illness and not primarily relating to an acquired brain injury or developmental disability, etc.
Duration of at least two years